11 at 11: Allegra Cohen, Founder + CEO of ABUNdance by Allegra

11 at 11: Allegra Cohen, Founder + CEO of ABUNdance by Allegra

What does your 11pm look like? We sit down with powerfully lovely A DOMANI friends, ask them the same 11 questions, and capture the beauty, passion, compassion, and occasional chaos that happens from dawn to dream—and everything in between.

Allegra Cohen is the Founder and CEO of ABUNdance by Allegra. She is also maybe the world's happiest person and gets equally as excited about major life events as she does about the perfect bite. She is a master in mindset coaching and her transformational work has been been incorporated into businesses, schools and communities across the country, inspiring thousands of people with her original micro-JOYS™ method. Allegra was recently recognized with an Inspiration award by GlamourGals, for mentoring, motivating and empowering a national organization of women.

Allegra is also an award-winning Film Producer and voiceover artist. She has produced feature films for Tiffany Haddish, Billy Crystal, James Franco, and Adrien Brody and can be heard in dozens of television and radio commercials including Tide, Ulta and Wawa. 

As a thriver with Crohn’s disease, Allegra is an advocate for those who cope with IBD. She is currently the face of Virtua Hospital's new IBD Center. Through her ABUNdance method, she teaches and empowers a way of being to support in holistic healing.

With her 2 decades of experience in the entertainment industry, 2 bonus kids, a 5-year old, and a passion to raise the world’s FUN Frequency, she created ABUNdance. Her coaching is about teaching simple solutions to enhance one's personal joy in life as well as help people tap into their inner FUNgineer!

We are confident you will love this beautiful soul as much as we do! And if you want to learn more about the life altering micro-JOYS™ method send Allegra a DM on Insta (@allegracohen) or through her website (abundancebyallegra.com). 


1. What is your morning ritual? 

I actually spell it, RICHual because I’m talking about the new rich, what money can’t buy. Feeling, joyful, present, healthy. These are the feelings created from practicing our daily RICHuals every single day, no matter what is going on in life. 

Every morning at 6:31am, our 5 year-old son, Aston bounces  into our room to say good morning, he snuggles between my husband, David and me. We start by saying in unison, “Today is a great day!” to set us up for a positive morning. I tell the day how it’s going to be. I don’t let the day tell me. We then go around and each share what we are grateful for and sing the Modeh Ani prayer. Which translates to: Thank you G-d, for restoring my soul, for your faith in me, and for allowing me to wake up again and experience another day. And only then do we say 5-4-3-2-1 and Aston selects Pitbull, Meghan Trainor or Bob Marley to serenade us and we dance as we brush teeth. These are some of our non-negotiable daily RICHuals.

2. Breaking a sweat while sleeping=not fun. Fun=Breaking a sweat while ____.

FUN breaking a sweat while = Getting my ABUNdance ON!; upbeat walk and talk; detoxing in full sweat mode in my infrared sauna

3. What do you always have on your bedside table?

Relaxing healing crystals that promote restorative sleep - amethyst, rose quartz, howlite, moonstone, black tourmaline are a few; Healy wellness energy device; Dream AHAs notebook, Baccarat purple butterfly.

4. Where was the best night's sleep you've ever gotten?

Most recently, it was on the Disney Dream cruise! We had an inside room and the room was completely blacked out which made for an extra dreamy night’s sleep.

5. What are you reading/watching/listening to?

Reading: Mind Magic, The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything by: James Doty, MD

Watching: a whole lotta Power Rangers with my son (help me!!) 

Listening to: The Book of Joy, Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by: The Dali Lama & Desmond Tutu

6. When are you most happy?

I am the most happy watching my son be so presently immersed as he shakes his booty in the mirror, making the funniest facial expressions. I am the most happy spending Shabbat with my family and parents. And I am also the most happy when I have been able to help transform someone else’s experience, no matter what they are dealing with,  to be more joyful.

7. What can you not sleep without?

Our Air Purifier sound machine, Silky pillowcase and my A DOMANI pjs of course!

8. What does your perfect night look like?

I go back to a perfect night on our honeymoon in Bora Bora. My husband and I connected, arm-in-arm, walking on the beach heading to our candle-lit sushi dinner and then taking a dip in the ocean ;-).

9. Early Riser or Night Owl?

Early Riser! (A perfect night is also getting into bed at 9pm!) Sleep is one of my top values.

10. Midnight snack y/n. 

A midnight snack…no but my gut appreciates having a glass of Restore before bed.

11. What are you dreaming of at the moment?

I am dreaming of a peaceful world filled with and led by compassionate, brave, kind, resilient children.


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